“I’m so sorry. I truly am.”
Mia’s heart dropped into her gut. She should have expected the worst but Mia held on. She tried her hardest to believe and have faith.
Why shouldn’t anyone believe in others? Expecting the worst of someone might protect you from pain but sometimes it’s best to believe in others. It kills all that’s left good in the world. What would people behave like if we all hoped for the worse. It’ll protect people from pain but in the end, everyone would be at a greater loss.
Mia met Lorenzo’s eyes. Her’s were full of tears and it tugged at the man’s heartstrings. Lorenzo felt more than enough pain of his own. Mikey was someone dear and close to him. They had known each other for years. Mikey was someone that Lorenzo relied upon and they helped each other out in numerous situations.
No one would have thought that someone so close could and would betray them. How could you? Someone that you have dined with and helped so much. The thought physically hurt Loren