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Chapter Three: He got Married Again

Isabella and her two kids sat at the airport waiting for Sofia. “Mom, where’s Sofia?” Amelia asked, scanning the area for Sofia. She patted Miles's head. “Sofia’s working and she might be caught up with something, don’t worry she’ll come soon.” After the divorce, Isabella decided to move abroad, she sold most of her belongings before she left the country. For three years, she lived a quiet and happy life with her kids. Sofia, a close friend, visited them occasionally. Understanding Isabella’s wish to work again, Sofia helped her find a job as a jewelry designer, which brought to them back to the country. “Isabella!” Sofia called from a distance. “Sofia!” Amelia ran to her, beaming. Sofia gave Amelia a warm hug before saying. “You’re so pretty, little one.” “I have to be, with a mom as pretty as ours!” Amelia giggled, her innocence evident. “When will Amelia be older?” Miles, seemingly mature for his age, asked. Isabella chuckled, glancing at her son. “I wish you were carefree like her sometimes.” Struggling with suitcase way taller than himself, Miles refused Isabella’s help. “I’m now big and strong, Mom.” “Tell me if it’s too heavy,” she said, watching him. During the ride, Sofia talked non-stop, updating Isabella about everything, including Sebastian’s marriage to Lorraine Turner.” I’m done. I’m over him, he doesn’t deserve me in anyway His new life isn’t my worry,” Isabella declared. Sofia sighed, holding the wheel. “You both were so happy and in love. It’s hard to see how things changed.” “Life’s full of surprises Sofia. You just need to learn how to face what it throws at you. I’m okay,” Isabella reassured. “But why Lorraine and Sebastian?” Sofia pondered, puzzled. Initially Isabella was unfazed, but later she felt a pang of disgust at Sebastian’s quick remarriage. “Sebastian’s always been a charmer, he always had his ways with women. I never thought he’d remarry so soon,” Isabella confessed. Sofia added with disdain, “I bet they were together before your divorce. It all seems rushed and hasty. And to think he called you, a cheat” Three years after their divorce, Isabella wondered if Sebastian had orchestrated it all. “Do they have kids?” she asked. “Kids? Impossible, Sebastian can’t have kids, right?” Isabella was stunned. “How did you know?” She and Sebastian had kept it under wraps, not even his mother knew. “He’s been married for three good years, no kids. Didn’t you use IVF?” Isabella had confided in Sofia about it. After the divorce, rumors hinted at Isabella’s infidelity. But with Sebastian childless, his secret seemed apparent. “He mentioned a possible treatment” Isabella recalled. Sofia scoffed. “Right.” They both chuckled. By late evening at home, They decided to go for dinner in a restaurant. Upon arrival, the aroma of simmering sauces and freshly baked bread greeted them. Isabella watched Amelia and Miles scan the menu, their faces lighting up at the sight of the dessert section. Sofia shared a knowing smile with Isabella. “They’ve inherited your sweet tooth.” Isabella chuckled. “It seems they’ve also inherited your knack for picking delightful restaurants.” The evening unfolded with laughter and shared stories, creating beautiful memories for the four of them. As they left the restaurant, full and content, Isabella couldn’t help but feel grateful for moments like these amidst life’s challenges. Later that evening, after their delightful dinner, they decided to continue the fun by playing some games at home. Amelia and Miles eagerly suggested a game of charades, a favorite pastime for the family of three. Sofia, known for her expressive gestures, easily got everyone guessing with her antics. Isabella’s attempts at mimicking a flamingo drew laughter and joyous cries from the kids. After the games, Isabella gathered Amelia and Miles around her, the three snuggling up on the couch. She reached for a storybook, titled the beauty and the beast, that her children adored. With each turn of the page, Isabella brought the characters to life, her voice animated, painting v pictures with her words. Amelia and Miles were captivated by the story, their eyes were shining with wonder and they soon fell asleep. The next morning, Sofia rushed Isabella for her job interview. “Don’t worry, I’ve taken the day off to help. I’ll watch the kids. Let me use this as an opportunity to catch up with them. It’s been a while.” Sofia assured Charlotte. “Okay, I’m on my way.” Isabella hadn’t rushed like this in years. She hastily applied makeup, changed her outfit, grabbed some bread, and hurried out. Isabella left home while Miles and Amelia were still asleep, making her morning more smoother as they usually required her attention and it’ll take a lot of time. Arriving at the company, she made her way to the reception before an employee directed her to meet the boss, Alexander Thompson. Alexander, Sofia’s business partner, required a jewelry designer, and Sofia had recommended Isabella. Guided by Alexander’s assistant, Drake Mitchell, Isabella felt a bit jittery and nervous, this is the first time she’ll be going for an interview after years of being unemployed. Upon seeing Alexander, she found his face oddly familiar. “ Good Morning, I’m here for the jewelry designer job. Sofia referred me,” Isabella stated. Alexander, composed and elegant, nodded. “Please, have a seat. I’ve reviewed your resume. Did you design the Heart of Love?” Alexander asked “Yes, that’s mine. But I’ve been focusing on my kids for a while. I might need to catch up on recent trends and designs” Isabella humbly replied. “I must say I’m very impressed. Finding designers as skilled as you is rare. I’m thrilled to have you here with us. Start by familiarizing yourself with current trends. We have an experienced designer who can guide and help you” Alexander suggested Observing Alexander, Isabella realized why he seemed familiar; his appearance and mannerisms mirrored her son’s exactly. She couldn’t help but wonder, ‘What are the chances of such a coincidence?” “Thank you for this opportunity. I appreciate it. I’ll give it my all and won’t disappoint,” Isabella assured him. Alexander acknowledged with a composed nod, “Let Drake show you around. We’ve arranged an office for you. Explore it and inform us of any requirements you need. “Thank you,” Isabella expressed gratefully. Accompanied by Drake, Isabella departed, feeling surprisingly positive after the job interview, possibly due to Sofia’s support. Years away from work had left her feeling somehow disconnected . Alexander’s congeniality was a pleasant surprise, a stark contrast to the stern bosses she had encountered in the past. In due time, Drake guided her to her new workspace. “Ms. Hall, this is your office. Let me know if any adjustments and changes are necessary” Drake stated. Inspecting the office, Isabella found it furnished with everything a designer might require, even down to her preferred pens and stationery. Every equipment she’ll need as a designer was provided in the office. ”You’ve arranged everything so considerately. Thank you,” Isabella expressed her appreciation and gratitude. Drake offered a slight smile. “It’s our duty to ensure your up most comfort at work. If there’s nothing else, I have to leave and return to my tasks. ”Thank you,” Isabella responded in a soft tone.

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