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4 The Savior

“I said let her go, Sir!” Marty was not about to give up on Emmy. He felt sorry for her and admired her as well. “Thanks your majesty, for your concern but I can assure you, Emmy is happy to marry Eduard. He is a cool guy and so is my princess here. Isn't that true, Emmy?” Vincent asked but Emmy disagreed. Vincent had worn that one look that made Emmy shiver in the past but not anymore. She already had someone in the crowd taking her side and that was enough to demonstrate her bravery. She spoke… “It is not true. I don’t want to be with him. Tell him the truth, you are forcing me to marry him and I don’t want to!” She screamed. “It's clear she doesn't, Sir.” Marty added and Vincent could not look up yet. He had been challenged in front of the crowd and he had been left speechless. “She can't shift, and she knows. Eduard is the only solace she has. Your Majesty please let her go where she belongs,” Vincent struggled to say. “Of course, we know she can't shift but that doesn't make her a lesser person. Look at her, she is kind and beautiful too,” Marty said and the words swept off Emmy's feet. Just then, “Are you sure, you don't want to be my woman, Emmy? I can make you the happiest woman in the world. Just think about it.” Eduard spoke but no one was listening. They had all been carried away by Prince Marty for standing up for poor Emmy! What a man! “Well, I think the question should be, Emmy, are you ready to go with me?” Marty posed and everyone turned. They could not believe that someone from a royal family would want to be with Emmy! Vincent and Jenny on the other hand could not believe the turn of events. Marty was way better than Eduard! They were rather glad that it turned out like that. Emmy had had enough and didn't see the need to say no. “Yes, I want to go with you, Prince Marty!” She screamed in excitement. There was no reason to remain behind after all the bad experiences she had gone through in her family's hands. She wanted to be far from them. “You have my blessings, daughter!” Vincent said. “Yes dear, we wish you well in your marriage and please, be a good woman.” Jenny said, forcing a smile.  Marty held Emmy's hand and they started walking away but before they could get to the gate, someone spoke. At first, it was all like a whisper until he controlled his breath. He had ran from the back to where Emmy and Marty were and stopped to catch his breath. “You can't marry him. You can't go with him yet!” Jamie said while still holding his breath. “Why is that?” Marty asked but before he could answer, Emmy interrupted him. “You have no right to question me. I have made this decision and I expect you to respect it, as my friend of course!” She said quite sternly and shocked everyone. “I agree but as your best friend, I have to look out for you. The man standing next to you is wild and dangerous during a full moon. He can hurt you, Emmy, please listen to me,” he begged but Emmy had her mind made up. “It is okay. I'm fine. Thanks for looking out for me,” she said softly. Emmy knew where her friend was coming from but she also knew just how bad Marty could get. Still, it was better to be with him. She felt safer and was ready to do anything for Marty since he had saved her from her misery. “Let's go!” Marty said but then Jamie had something else to say. “You take care of her, you hear me? If you don’t I will come for you and you won't like it!” He threatened him. Marty smiled foolishly. “Why do I feel like you wanted her to go with you and that's why you are so bitter with me, hmm,” Marty spoke sarcastically and the words hit Jamie hard. “She was supposed to be married off to me and so that means I was the first choice, you came in second my prince.” Jamie said and Emmy stood in the middle wondering what had gotten into his friend’s mind. “Come on, stop this!” Emmy shouted at Jamie but Jamie ignored her. “I hope I have made myself clear, Prince Marty?” He said sarcastically. “Yes you have but one more thing before I go, always remember, Emmy chose me over you!” He said sternly and then turned to Emmy… “Let's go, beautiful,” he said calmly and the name beautiful made Emmy jump in ecstasy. “Okay, okay, go well, my friend,” Jamie struggled to say amid defeat. On their way, Emmy could not think straight. She had her worries and Marty noticed. “Are you okay, beautiful lady?” He asked. “I am okay but….” She stopped as she felt that what she wanted to say could sound petty to Marty. “Come on, don't give me that look. Tell me, what is it?” He asked her again. “I just want to apologize on behalf of Jamie. He is just looking out for me. Please don't feel offended.” Emmy said. “No, don't stress over it. I understand perfectly why any man would get mad, jealous, you know…” he said but the words didn't quite match what Emmy was trying to say. “He isn't jealous. He is my best friend.” She defended him. “You are beautiful, he knows that and he is protective of you. Wait, did you see the disappointment in the old man's face? He adores you and so does everyone who knows how to look beyond the obvious…and yes, I forgive your friend, just like me, he is looking out for you.” He concluded. The statement made Emmy question a lot of things including Marty’s intention for saving her from her misery but whatever it was, she was ready for it provided she stayed away from her family. “Thank you, Marty. This means a lot to me. Thank you,” she said repeatedly. “It's okay, I understand.” He said calmly as they approached her new home!  

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