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2 Who’s she?

“I have to help him, I must help him. It is the right thing to do,” Emmy said to herself. Emmy wanted to run but she could not just leave the man there. He had hurt his arm badly from the fall and was bleeding. She approached him slowly and then wrapped his arm with her handkerchief slowly and carefully. The man looked fierce and had fur all over his body. She wondered if he was a werewolf since it was a full moon or a vampire strolling in the dark.  “Could be an alien also,” she thought but the thoughts didn't prevent her from noticing the attractiveness that was evident on his face. She was stunned that she would even feel attracted to something like fur! She sang love songs and even touched the fur slowly and in admiration. She wanted to feel it now that he was unconscious and could not harm her. When she was done, she continued with her escape plan. She went to a spot they used to go together with Jamie back in the day. It was called The Paradise Lost. Just like the name, they always got lost whenever they went to the woods and that was the only spot that helped them find their way home. “Beautiful paradise, I didn't know it had changed this much!” She said as she looked around. It was still the same nice place and there, Emmy lay hoping to catch some sleep but it was not going to be that easy.The whistling wind made it hard for her to sleep. The trees kept swaying from one side to the other. It was a windy night but that didn't stop her from remembering all that had transpired earlier that day. The image of the man who she had just helped could not let her sleep and so she spent a lot of time thinking about him.   “He is good-looking!” She murmured to herself. “He is not human!” A voice inside her head reminded her. “Neither am I. Tell me who lives like me; miserable? I'm sure he is more human than I will ever be!” She shut the inner voice. Emmy continued to sing songs just to help her sleep and eventually, she dozed off and had a scary dream. She dreamt that she was sleeping and then someone tapped her shoulder. Since The Paradise Lost hole didn't have an entrance, it was easily accessible from any direction and that’s how the person had managed to get in. “Wake up, Emmy, we have to go home!” The person said. “Wait; please don't take me back, please. I would rather die here than go back to my father’s house!” Emmy screamed. “No, you have to go home. It is not safe here. It is a full moon and wolves have shifted. So are vampires. This is the worst spot. Even aliens live here!” The scared man said. “You said aliens, how do I become one of them because my efforts of becoming a werewolf have not given me any results? Whoever recruits them, I want to join them!” Emmy said. “You can be like me. I don't shift but I am a happy man. Sometimes you don't have to be strong to fight with the mighty. You just have to believe in your intellectual self and shine!” He said and the words made Emmy laugh. “Tell me, how do you expect me to be different from my family and still find happiness?” She asked ironically. “I am different. My father was a Highlander and my mum was a she-wolf. I am not either of them. I have a fulfilling life, Emmy and you can too.” He said. The words were moving. “So I can still be different and enjoy life? That’s what you are saying?” She asked. “Yes, you can. Trust me, you can go home and start working on your escape plan. You can find happiness anywhere. It doesn't have to be with them or near them. Be a bird and get out of the cage. Fly away but you have to plan first and then execute it when you are ready.” He advised.   “I think I can do that,” she said and then followed the man back home but upon arrival, her father grabbed her and locked her up. He then ordered the guards to take the man to the dungeon. “No, Father, please don't send him there. He was just looking out for me. He is a good person!” She cried but no one listened. Emmy woke up sweating profusely. The dream was scary and she wondered if that was what was going to happen to Jamie for letting her out of the room. “I hope not, he is a good person!” She hoped her father felt the same about him. But again, he was the Duke's son and there was no way Vincent could dare to provoke him. Elsewhere, the man Emmy had helped earlier regained consciousness and was about to leave when he remembered a vivid dream of someone singing in his ears in an angelic voice! He wanted to meet her in real life and ask her to sing for him again. He remembered how soothing the song was and how it had helped him relieve his tension. How it had calmed all the animosity that came with his shifting. “I wish I had no powers to shift.” He muttered and then he rubbed his eyes and smiled foolishly. “I would have no life!” He knew the pain that came along with the inability to shift. One was regarded as a lesser werewolf and he would not have wished that on anyone. Back to his dream, “Just who was the mysterious girl and what was she doing in the woods? Or was it in my dreams?” he wondered. “But no, that was not a dream.” He nodded as he scratched his head. His name was Marty and he came from one of the wealthiest people on the land. His father was a king! Marty remembered everything that had happened that night and what had led to his fall. As ironic as it may sound, Emmy's beauty rendered him breathless. The beauty of Emmy's face when she saw him and how much it made her tremble made him shake uncontrollably and he fell. It was all a force of attraction. “I need to find out who that girl is and why she was out here in the dark,” he summed it all up. Marty had his faults too. His family had powers as well both earthly and in the shifters' world. As a result, he was often challenged by the powers and would run out of control posing as a danger to those around him during a full moon. His energy was simply unmatched and just how he had managed to maintain himself in front of Emmy was still a mystery. “She can control me! She has a magic wand that controls me! Who knows maybe I can manage this rage and become better?” He said loudly while staring at the sunrise that found him in the woods. “I hope to see her soon!” It was like he was talking to someone yet he was all alone trying to remember the girl who had stuck in his mind like glue. Marty had a brother who he wished he was like. Victor was kind and somehow better than him in so many ways. He was much more presentable and calmer than Marty and well, Marty didn't have any issue with that. After all, he had tried to control his anger in vain and was yet to resign to fate.  Deep inside, Marty was still in the process of getting his rage and control in check and wasn't planning to stop until he was able to control his emotions. “You are still my son whom I adore very much. You know that, right?” His father, the king had asked him severally just to assure him of his love. “Yes I know but even without the succession story, I still need to control my emotions. It is for the better,” he said and his father admired that about him. If it wasn't for his anger, he would be a better king than any other person would ever be but his father had to act as the king of the land and protect his people; that meant taking a calmer version instead. And now looking across and trying to think about his encounter with the girl the previous night, he had no idea who it might have been until some resemblance came knocking to his mind. “The girl looked like Vincent's late wife! I saw photos of her when I visited their house with my family sometime back!” He brightened up. But who among Vincent's children was that since he knew all of them? “Oh, I know. Maybe it's the girl they never show to the public? She has never left the house, I heard. It was her, she left the house yesterday just to meet me, now this is a match made in heaven ha-ha,” he let out a laugh. What a coincidence!  

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