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Power & FirePower & Fire
Ayoko: Webfic

Chapter 8 8: Castiel

Well that was close. Why the hell did they started interrogating me like that? I felt so bare and exposed with their curious and judgmental eyes, with judging eyes I mean Axel, of course, for some reason I feel like he doesn't like me very much or maybe I haven't gained his trust yet...I choose to believe in the latter. Right now is 7 in the morning and I can't stop replaying our conversation over and over again to make sure that I didn't give in any... suspicious information. I decided to get up and start my day but as soon as my feet touched the cold floor I quickly retrieved back and laid lazily on my bed for another 6 minutes before getting up for good ignoring the shivers that went down my spine with every step that I took until I reached the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and kept on going my business but then I quickly looked up again. My eyes were glowing orange with golden sparks around my iris. I was about to turn around to get ready shrugging it off when it clicked. Crap! Another prayer. I groaned in annoyance and laziness. I will demand Dad to give me vacations if this thing turns regular. Giving my face a splash of water I sprinted downstairs until I reached the kitchen where I grabbed an apple and a granola bar. "Woah Miss Castiel where are you going you are not even dressed! And what kind of crappy breakfast is that young lady?!" She shouted. "Maria I received another orison I need to go!" "Dear God, another one? And this early? Be careful child!" I smiled at her concern. "I'll be back before 8." And I quickly added "Oh and I'm having friends to stay over tonight!" And like a flash I was out of the house. I quickly let my wings out and started to feel the amazing burning feeling spreading through my body, I was on fire. Hell fire to be exact. After a few seconds my flames calmed down turning into my majestic vests, the long silky dress coming down brushing my legs, it's not a beauty dress it's a war one; a godly vest. It's perfect because you can move freely in it and it does not get in your way when you are fighting. Flying towards the prayer my wings started melting, and it feels so good. Some people have heard fairy tales, legends, myths and rumors about me and many wonder why I'm on fire. Some say that I was an abused child that was burned alive and turned into an angel to revenge and protect all the creatures in pain. Others say that I was an angel that tried to go down to Earth and on my way I flew to closely to the sun while it was setting and well...turned into angelic barbecue. However none of them wondered the real and simple truth. I'm an half hell, half heaven creature. I'm the daughter of the most terrifying imaginable creature of all times, The Devil. That's where I got the fire, that's why my wings are 'melting'. The most scary part is that we both, me and my brother, carry the most powerful of all the powers, imagine Bad and Good all mixed up, imagine the huge ball of Virtutem Ignis. Translated, Virtutem means Power and Ignis means Fire. It can be understood in million of ways but no one knows it's actually meaning, and hopefully no one ever will. The greatest and strongest power can only occur when high and dangerous emotions are felt like, anger, sadness, pain, hope. This is why we need to have self control. If we step out of the line a lot of destruction will spread like plague. Something that not even all the Gods and Goddesses, magical creatures or humans can stop. However we were both sent to Earth to protect the Supernatural Creatures, this was decided after the Dead War, the most bloody and deadliest war that has ever happened, me and Noah were only 15 when this happened. It was a war between all the dead creatures that lived in Hell and Heaven. When Mom and Dad had us they had to lose some of their responsibilities time, and in that short amount of time the dead and the immortals started a war, no one knows the motive but then again no one survived to tell the story. Everyone in the Council had to intervene and actually fight. It was the Council against the dead and the immortals and some spirits fell down onto Earth, destructed turned into ashes not able to come back in living form. Not only dead and immortal creatures were gone but also some of the greatest Gods like Rodrick, the Vampires God. He used to be one of my Dad's best friends and a loyal creature. Since the fall of Rodrick, The Moon Goddess has been responsible for both Vampires and the Werewolves. To avoid this kind of conflict we are here. The two of us can impose peace by words or by force. I looked down and noticed a kid surrounded by a tornado. I smiled. The Wind Werewolf Element has renewed it's generation. Landing on the ground I raced towards the boy and lifted my arm, moving the tornado high above him making him stubble down to the floor. Still with my arm in the air, freezing may I add, I crunched down to the little guy's level and started massaging his soft innocent hair, making him look up at me and jump. "W-Who are you?" "You called me through your mind so you tell me." His eyes widened. "You are one of the Twins?!" He asked excited. I nodded, wrapping my wings around his form in a protective and caring way smiling down at him. He grinned and I noticed that his heart beating started to calm down after a few minutes of me playing with his hair. If we were both humans I'd probably seem like a creep or a pedophile, great. "Okay so do you see this tornado over our heads?" He nodded shyly. "Well you can control it and make it disappear do you want it to disappear?" He nodded his head rapidly with wide eyes. "All you have to do is imagine him disappearing, piece by piece, remember you control the wind." He concentrated and closed his fist tightly. A few seconds went by and the tornado was still above us. "You are too rigid, relax I'm here, no harm will come to you." He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and unclenched his fists...and slowly the mass of angry wind started to become a soft breeze . He opened his eyes cautiously and then started jumping. "I did it! I did it! Let's do it again!!" I chuckled. "Calm down little guy, tell me what's your name?" A blush overcame his cheeks and he replied. "My name is Tom." "I'm Castiel." I smiled warmly at him. "You are really pretty Castiel." He blushed while looking at his shoes. I giggled. "Thank you Tom, you are really cute, when you grown up you will be a handsome man." "I can't wait to tell my grandma that I met you! She admires you, she was the one that taught me how to call you for help!" My smile faltered. "About that, Tom I'm really sorry but you can't tell anyone about me, I'm supposed to be kept in secret. I will come back to visit you anytime you want but you can't tell about our secret ok?" "Pinky promise?" I smiled and gave him my pinky intertwining them together. "I don't know why Martha doesn't like you, you are so nice and pretty Castiel." "Martha?" "Yeah, the nanny of the palace, the future Alpha kicked her out the castle a few weeks ago." "Interesting..." I said with a frown. "Don't worry Castiel! I like you a lot!" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I like you too Tommy, I gotta go now, but I promise that I'll visit in my human form okay?" "Ok, bye Castiel!" And with that he shifted to chocolate brown wolf ran off towards the pack's secure woods. I, too, took off and got myself home. I'm feeling happy now that I made a new friend...even thought he is around 8 years old. I opened the front door, already in my human form, still with my pajamas on and greeted Maria. "I'm back!" I yelled dramatically. Maria chuckled and threw a pillow at me. "Go shower Miss. Your breakfast is ready" "Ok let me just grab a glass of water, I'm thirsty as hell." No pun intended. Talking about hell... was it a demon again?" I smiled softly remembering Tom. "No, but there is a new Wind werewolf Element, he is 8 and the cutest child ever." Maria smiled. Then sighed. "I miss when you and your brother were little, I want mini Castiels running around the house again... so tell me my child are you interested in any boy at the moment?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows at the end. My cheeks went red as I choked on my water. "Oh look at the time I gotta go shower, sayonara!" And I sprinted upstairs towards the bathroom. However the rosy cheeks stayed because while I was showering I couldn't stop blushing at the fact that. When she mentioned having kids... My mind went to Jason's face.

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