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Ayoko: Webfic

Chapter 5 5: Jason

I woke up earlier today, opened my eyes and a huge feeling of guilt filled me in, my heart felt heavy and empty. I cheated on my mate. I've never hated myself as much as I hated in that moment. Shaking my head I headed to the showers and did all my morning business. I looked at the clock and it read 06:02 AM. It's still really early, school only starts at 8:30 and I wasn't sleepy nor tired, the anxiety of my actions keeping me awake, so I decided to check on my parents. Leaving the pack house silently, trying to not wake up anybody, I got my car's keys and went to the garage, pressing the open button on the keys, I quickly noticed the location of my car in the room full of expensive cars by the flash of lights that turned on. The drive to the castle was only 20 minutes and I don't intend to stay for long, a quick visit will do no damage. Entering the gates the guards all bowing wherever I was going, I hop out of the car and entered in the palace. My parents are early risers, so they are probably up already, I wish I could say the same about my little sister. Even if she was up she'd probably pretend to be asleep to avoid talking with me. My sad thoughts are interrupted by my mom. "Jason!" She hugged me like she hasn't in a really long time. "Hey mom, I just came to make a quick visit then I'll have to go to school." She nodded and grabbed my hand leading me to the... infirmary? I was about to ask her what were we doing in here when I saw my dad, lying on the bed, he didn't look ill nor injured, just extremely exhausted, dark circles under his blue eyes, similar to mine. "Dad what happened?" I asked concerned. "Oh hey son. Good to see you too" He replied smartly with sarcasm. I looked at him pointedly, he sighed and started talking. "I went into the forest because we got reports of some attacks in the east zone and this weird dark creature got inside of me...I was possessed, by a demon Jason. I attacked my own people, I attacked your sister...thank the heavens they arrived to stop the beast before I got a chance to actually kill someone." "What! Why wasn't I informed about this sooner?" I all but shouted but I didn't stop there. "Were you even planning on telling me?" I asked hurt for the lack of trust that my parents have on me, but then again I'm not really trustworthy am I? I cheated on my mate. A pang of hurt hit my heart. "You will step on the throne soon and I don't want you to stress about anything until then." He explained. "Still...You should have told me something." I said with a sigh. "I know, that's why I want you to be crowned next week." I looked at him with eyes wide open. "But da-" He interrupted me. "I can't do this anymore Jason...I hurt your sister, my own daughter, my blood...you are still young and for sure you will be able to be stronger than me son." He finished with a sad tone. "I've found my mate." I blurted out. This time he was the one with eyes wide open. "Congratulations son, one more reason why you should be crowned King, now you have a queen. I can't wait to meet her Jason, how is she?" He asked excited. "Her name is Castiel and she's perfect father, an actual goddess, and she's kind, sweet and caring she will for sure be a great Luna Queen." My stomach churned thinking about her again, I don't deserve her. He smiled. "I'm proud of you son." If only you knew, you wouldn't be so proud anymore. I smiled at him and started exiting when I remembered something. "Dad when you said that you started attacking people 'they' came and solved the situation, who were they?" Silence. I turned around, my father was asleep, great. "I guess I'll wait until next time then." I muttered with a sigh. I said goodbye to my mom and she ignored me. I guess she's getting worse. I lowered my head and got inside of my car and raced back to school. The visit has taken most part of my morning but I still arrived earlier than usual, 8:13 AM. I entered the building giving small nods to the people, most of them were pack members or werewolves from other packs, but as future Alpha King they need to respect me too. I found our group in front of a locker, a locker that smelled like my mate. The smell wasn't strong which meant that it's still from yesterday, she hasn't arrived yet. Everyone greeted me and I decided to tell them before Castiel arrives so she won't get suspicious about anything. "I'll be stepping on the throne next week." I blurted out and observed their reactions. "That's cool bro!" "Yeah congrats man!" "Don't forget about us your majesty." I smirked at Eli, Ethan and at Will and gave them a bro hand shake and then turned to Axel who had a blank expression. I raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed. "That means that Castiel will be a Queen next week, and she is still with that Nero dude. We will have a King with a Queen that loves someone else, we will get weak and then what? I'm worried Jason, but congrats either way bro." He muttered the last part and I was about to tell him that we would figure something out when my mate arrived and chirped with her angelic and sweet voice. "Good morning everyone!" She looked adorable in her outfit and I just wanted to hold her and protect her from the world, run my fingers through her silky hair. Today her eyes were more of an hazel tone making her look extra sweet. It's rather weird that her eyes change color like that, but the difference is not that big, besides I know grey eyed people that can change their eye color as well, depending on how they were feeling, if they were sad they would get darker. I wonder what tomorrow's color will be, will it be as happy as now? I was so lost in her eyes and thoughts that I didn't noticed Axel accusing her. "Enough Axel, she didn't do anything." I interrupted them. Then, of course, Tiffany had to show up, great timing. She took my face in between her hands and started grinding on me, a few weeks ago I'd be already making out with her, but now I only want my mate, my Castiel. I pushed her away from me. "I had fun yesterday baby wanna come over later?" She purred, I made a disgusted face. "Castiel are you ok?" I snapped my head towards my angel, she was cleaning her nose, that had what looked like...blood maybe? Then I looked at her eyes, a pained expression on her face, her eyes were changing color and held sadness. And my heart broke all over again, making my chest ache at her expression. I didn't hear anything that they were saying too occupied about my mate's broken expression until Tiffany intervened. "Is someone sad and jealous?" She said looking at my mate with distaste. "Tiffany you will not talk to her like that!" My wolf was scratching to come out. Basil calm down. "And Castiel has a boyfriend." Ethan stated. Time for the biggest heartache in the history of heartaches, the confirmation. "I do?" She asks innocently. "Yeah Nero, the dude from yesterday who you spent the night with" Axel replied in a harsh tone that I didn't like one slightest bit. Then she started laughing, hard. I smiled. Oh God even her laugh is perfect, it's like music to my ears, I could listen to her laugh all day. "Ew no! Nero is my twin brother! I haven't seen him in a while because he is always traveling and studying abroad, he surprised me. Yesterday we played uh...Monopoly, y'all think nasty!" A feeling of relief filled me and I was battling to not smile...too much. God please just let me hold her. Tiffany rolled her eyes and turned back to me, putting her hands on my chest. I pushed her away. "Tiffany yesterday was a mistake, and I was drunk. It meant absolutely nothing to me." I stated, trying to get Castiel to understand and fix her broken eyes even it was just a little bit. Tiffany turns to Castiel angrily. "You are loving this aren't you? Listen up bitch, yesterday me and Jason had sex. He didn't even think about you so get that pretty little ass out of here before I make you! Stay away from us or I will destroy you!" I was ready to give her a lesson when Castiel replied relaxed. "I'd like to see you try." Tiffany lunged at her and in seconds she was on her knees looking up at Castiel with tears in her eyes. "Next time you try to hit someone for non-sense I will make sure that it's the last time you even think about doing it. Violence is not the answer for everything. Show some respect to others and maybe you will earn that respect back, there's no need to threaten people when you feel insecure, talk with someone, hell if you want you can even talk with me, just think before you act." Pride filled me in. That's my girl. Then I looked at her, her eyes were glowing with an orange fire color. What the fuck. Then she looked like she was communicating with someone and muttered something like: 'praes distant'. She let go of Tiffany turned to us, smiled, a fake smile and got some excuse. I didn't buy it. I watched her leave and snapped back to my friends who noticed her strange behavior and expression too. "Whatever it was I'm sure she'll explain later, now keep walking, you have classes." I dismissed everyone. I started following her scent. After a few bminutes her scent disappeared, I looked around; an empty alley. Where did you go off to Castiel?

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