I walked out of the bedroom getting angry on Sandro to sit on a sofa of the living room. Why does no one in my family understand my feelings? Facing my dad after all the foolish placades I pulled was getting me a shiver of fear. I did not know when my eyes have gone closed and how I reached back to bedroom but no sooner I open my eyes I feel strong hands supporting me to a muscled chest.
Sandro brought me back to the bedroom though I have no idea how and when. As I stir in his embrace enveloped in his enchanting scent of hue and lemon he kisses my head and leapt his eyes open in a untold consolation. "Don't worry Sweet Cakes, I grant you a wish today. No one from your family is going to scold you irrespective of the crazy sketches you drew with your good for nothing boyfriend." I scowl at his derisive remark but he doesn't seem to care about it. "In return you should promise me you will marry the man your parents choose for you."
What the heck! I was about to speak but he stop