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Alpha's Hated Mate Alpha's Hated Mate
Ayoko: Webfic

Chapter 7

ALPHA'S HATED MATE Camilla's POV I've been going to school for the past week and it actually wasn't so bad. Raquel almost drowned me in the pool because I can't swim and she also almost left me naked in front of the whole damn school and oh yes, how can I forget why she is torturing me, it's because she blamed me for Mikel breaking up with her so she put fish blood on my chair so that when I got up it would look like I had my period…oh wait did I say wasn't so bad I meant was so bad. Yesterday there was a fish blood incident and today I didn't go to school because I felt so embarrassed. I faked being sick so I could stay home and it worked a little too well. The doctor said I should stay home a few days in case it's something serious. So right now, I am with Arielle and her friends from the pack by the table having snacks and giving gists. Well, I am just watching them and drinking a chocolate milkshake while playing with my phone. "Guess what Dion did." Vanessa says, her eyes running around the table so she can catch everyone's reaction. "What did he do?" They answer in unison. "I caught him kissing Felicia." She rolls her eyes. Everyone mumbles on and on about their mates cheating, it seems to be a common thing among them and what I've gathered is; A: Men will always cheat B: if he loves you, you'll never find out. "Oh how did Alpha react? He seemed mad." Nessa asks Arielle, referring to the prank they played on him and their mates. Arielle blushes, her eyes shying away. "I calmed him down." "My man was so angry about that prank, you know what, I got spanked hard." Ashanti frowns. Everyone laughs at her and I just try to ignore them. "Well Ryan…." She pauses and I can feel her eyes on me. "Let's say I calmed him down." She adds. Tamina clicks her tongue, "Come on, are you scared of Mila? She's seventeen. She knows all these things kids these days are so nasty with their internet and shit." "You know Milla is different." Arielle brushes my back. "Yea but she knows what sex." Vanessa argues. Right, I got the basics of sex from them, it was a brief yet horrifying topic because each one had a different view on the subject. "Yea, you need to stop treating her like a baby. She's not five anymore and even though she looks just as cute and adorable." Ashanti says in a high pitched voice. Vanessa grins, "I was twelve when I met my mate he was wonderful and now we just try not to kill each other." She sighs, her smile still plastered on her face. "I've known Grayson my whole life." Tamina giggles. "I met Ryan at Ashanti's party when I was fifteen, he was the cutest guy I had ever met everyone was afraid of him and Michael and so was I. I stood at a far distance watching them, at first Michael talked to me I had known him for a while and I was kind of digging his vibe you know." Arielle blushes and we laugh in response, Arielle and Michael? Nope I can't see it. I can't picture her with anyone other than Ryan, they are just way too perfect together, two perfect halves making each other whole. "Well anyhow, when I bumped into him one of the bedrooms I was dead scared standing in front of the next Alpha of a very powerful pack, I almost died. I was frozen I tell you so what did I do? I kept my head down and he took a few steps towards me, held it up and kissed me and let's just say I lost my V-card just like that." She says, hiding her face in her hands. "And she told me all the spicy details." Ashanti confesses, clapping her hands. "Which are?" Vanessa asks. "Three words long, thick and huge." She chuckles, tossing her head back. When everyone laughs so do I, though those three words sexually related don't ring a bell in my head. "Hey wait, didn't Camilla turn seventeen?" Mina asks but I know she's confirming to herself yet I nod anyway. "I wonder when you will meet your mate." Ashanti says. "Milla exhibit's human characteristics, mostly." Arielle elaborates. "Even humans have mates." Tamina argues. Arielle shrugs in response. "Maybe you'll meet your mate soon." Mina informs me. I did and he fucking hates me but still I play dumb just in case I misinterpreted the situation. "Umh…and how will I know it's him?" I ask putting the phone down. "Well sweetie it might not be true love at first sight but it blossoms." Arielle smiles. "Plus you'll know when it's him, it will just feel right." But it didn't feel right, did it? I frown and Tamina chuckles. "Or it might not but your heart will know something will tell you." She smiles. "Why the sudden interest hmmn... are you feeling some sort of way for someone? I mean I've seen you look at that boy Francisco." She teases. I gasp at the insult like really, Francisco? "Because he eats his mucus!" I say, grossed out that she even thought I could crash on him. Everyone snickers at me as I try to get the image of Francisco enjoying his mucus like it were the most delicious chocolate ever made, it's sickening to watch him. "So tell us baby girl what do you want in a mate, do you want one just like you or like us?" Ashanti beams. Hmm, I close my eyes for a second and Immediately see him staring at me in his black boots, ripped jeans and white T-shirt, I can almost smell him. Yes I see Alpha Adrian vividly coming towards me and I let my imagination take over. He isn't scary then, his ocean blue eyes glaring at me with adoration. "What do I want in a mate? Mmm I want an Alpha Mate, tough on everyone but is soft on me. He will love me regardless of everything he will have eyes for Me and only me. His touch transmitting shivers down my spine, his ever so cold eyes telling me secrets that no one needs to know. My mate is handsome and really tall. I look extra short next to him but that creates just the perfect distance between our lips. He is ever so grumpy.." I giggle, "But I think he would smile just for me his hair is so soft he is the envy of most men and the desire of most women but only I get to have him because he is my mate therefore making me,the envy of most women and-" The sounds of hands clapping brings me to life. I didn't realize I had zoned out, how stupid of me to visualize Alpha Adrian in the sense that I did. I open my eyes, displeased and feeling like the idiot I am. "I knew you read poetry but that was…" "Wow." Arielle exclaims, completing Ashanti's sentence. "So much depth, so much emotion I could feel it." Vanessa's lip quivers as she clutches her chest. Is she about to cry? I mean she is very sensitive and empathetic but wow. "Alright, as great as that was, I only have one question." Ashanti deadpans, her brow arching at me, "Are you sure you want an Alpha, I mean don't you see how exhausted Arielle is on most days?" "Shut the fuck up." Arielle giggles. "She's just being real, I mean, Alpha's are really.. I mean extremely demanding, a normal Wolf can barely take care of their needs…" Tamina says, looking at Arielle. "I've heard enough, you're making my baby shy sex talk is between the two of us. Come on Honey, go to bed." Arielle smiles sweetly. I get up and Ashanti makes me sit in her lap, they always treat me like a baby but barely come close enough to actual babies themselves. "Seriously?" Arielle snaps, as she raises her arms in defeat. "We all want to have a talk with her again." Arielle rolls her eyes and we laugh. "So let's keep this real short and simple." Vanessa says, clearing her throat. "Okay I got this." Ashanti brushes my back. We all know she will say something stupid or funny or both so we just go with it. "So basically don't let anyone put a dick in you." She finally says. "Ashanti!" Arielle exclaims, hitting Ashanti's arm and she laughs in response. "I am serious, dick gets you pregnant and pregnancy is more horrible than wonderful, dick is bad. Stay away from dick fear dick!" she warns before laughing and we all end up laughing along with her. "Don't listen to her, she lives for the dick… Mmm no wait it's Arielle." Tamina teases. Arielle growls, "Fuck you Mina." She is moody lately and clingy no wait she has always been clingy to Ryan but to me not as much as now. I get off Ashanti's lap and grab a chair squeezing myself in between Mina and Vanessa. "Mmm You smell different. New perfume?" I ask. Tamina narrows her eyes at me, "What do you mean?" "You, you are giving off a different scent than you normally do. You both do." They all stare at me blankly. "Why do we keep forgetting you have wolf blood?" Ashanti giggles. "Wait, who is both?" "Tamina and Arielle." I say pointing at them. Vanessa inhales, "That's weird I can't smell it." She shrugs. "It's just a bit different from their natural scents." "Ladies." I hear say, as he walks past us. "Alpha." We all greet. Ryan pauses in his tracks and turns around. "Wait princess, you should be in bed, resting, what are you doing up?" I pout and he sighs "Nevermind, carry on." He says walking away but once again, he stops in his tracks. His eyes rest on Arielle, "Luna can I steal you for a minute?" "Girls, excuse me." She blushes getting up. She follows Ryan, he holds her by the waist as they walk to the corner of the room and talk in whispers while we only hear chuckles and giggles. We all stare at them and giggle. They are so in love she puts her arms around his neck and hugs him but she drops them and by the looks of it yells at him, they look at me because they know I am watching them and they know I don't like it when they fight. I give Ryan a pleading look as he sighs and turns his attention back to Arielle. He tickles her and she laughs so loud making everyone look at her. "They're so cute." Vanessa pouts and I nod, they are perfect. "That's one look of true love princessa." Ashanti smiles. "Wait, there, are there other looks?" I ask, my voice high pitched making me sound a little too shocked than I should have sounded. Arielle walks to us. "Errr girls, I will be back in five minutes." She says turning back at Ryan. They all turn to Ryan and wave. "More like tomorrow morning if you're lucky that is." Ashanti giggles, she loves to tease Arielle. "You know what? Goodnight sweetie and to the rest of you fuck you." She says flipping them the middle finger as she walks back to Ryan who has been watching her with his hands resting in both his pockets.

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