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Enslaving Alice Novel

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Putri Kaya yang Diremehkan
By: Webfic RomansaPertarungan Satu Lawan Satu: Kedua Pihak dengan Identitas Palsu, Mari Saling Bongkar Rahasia!Tujuh belas tahun yang lalu, putri kandung keluarga Amarta tertukar. Tujuh belas tahun kemudian, anak itu akhirnya ditemukan dan dikembalikan ke keluarganya.Namun saat kepulangan sang putri, dia tidak diterima dengan baik. Ayahnya meremehkannya, neneknya tidak menyukainya dan tunangan resminya pun memandang rendah dirinya.Ayahnya berkata, "Keluarga Gunawan tidak akan menerima gadis desa sebagai menantu. Demi kepentingan kedua keluarga, kami akan mengumumkan kalau kamu hanya anak angkat."Neneknya berkata, "Nilai belajarmu sangat buruk. Kamu tidak pantas tidur di kamar utama, pindahlah ke kamar tamu."Tunangannya berkata, "Hanya putri kandung keluarga Amarta, Vivi, yang pantas bersamaku. Gadis kampungan sepertimu, enyahlah!"Alice hanya menanggapinya dengan santai, "Aku tidak peduli."Namun kemudian ...Nama Alice sering muncul di berita utama.Pengungkapan pertama: genius dengan nilai sempurna di ujian nasional adalah Alice!Pengungkapan kedua: Peretas hebat dengan nama samaran "Gagak" adalah Alice!Pengungkapan ketiga: Orang nomor satu di daftar dokter ilahi adalah Alice!Pengungkapan keempat: Kesayangan Pak Damian adalah Alice!Pengungkapan kelima: ...Orang-orang yang dulu meremehkan Alice kini kena batunya. Mereka semua merendahkan diri, memohon bantuan, tetapi ditolak mentah-mentah oleh seorang pria yang melindungi Alice.Damian Cavali berkata, "Istriku hanya milikku."Setelah berkata dengan tegas, dia berbalik dan berkata pada Alice dengan penuh kasih, "Istriku punya banyak identitas, jadi aku harus berlindung di baliknya."Alice menjawab dengan wajah dingin, "Pak Damian, jangan berpura-pura. Identitas palsumu sudah terbongkar."
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His Pregnant Ex-Wife: Wifey Please Come Back To Me
By: Webfic allAfter three years of loveless and suffocating marriage. Alice finally realizes she can't warm Lucas's heart no matter what she does. Besides, the marriage between them was just a contract.The words that he had written on the contract were very clear: "Don't ever expect anything from me, in the future if I want, you must give me a divorce without any questions and you are not allowed to conceive my baby"Alice chose to marry him because she needed money for her father's surgery. She was the one who proposed the idea of marriage in the first place, and as a result, she was the one who suffered the most. As time passed, she discovered that he was having affairs with other women, she also discovered that his first love had returned. This broke her heart and she finally decided to divorce him.She had suffered enough and it was time for her to move on with her life. But fate had a different plan for her. She discovered that she was pregnant after leaving Lucas's house. However, even though she was carrying his child, she didn't want to stay with him because of his infidelity. When Lucas found out that Alice had left and was furious."You belong to me, I'll never let you go"He forcefully pushed her against a cold wall and punished her with a deep kiss as a way to assert his dominance over her. It was only after she left that Lucas began to comprehend the profound impact Alice had on his life. He found himself unable to imagine anyone else filling the void she had left.
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