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Chapter 1 Alice in Wonderlus

"Spend the night with me. And I'll give you money." Alice made a bold proposition to the man before her. She promised to ask the first man who would catch her attention the moment she stepped inside the bar. And that's why she came across a handsome man who was sitting next to the counter table with a glass of bourbon in his hand. Alice gulped as she stared at the man's striking features. His dark brown fell in tousled waves around his face, farming his thick brows and sharp jaws. His tanned skin glowed in the dim light of the room, lending him an air of mystery and danger. For a moment, the air between them crackled with tension. Her heart raced while she waited for the man's answer. 'Didn't he hear me? Should I repeat my words again?' Alice pondered. But that was not the case. Despite the loud atmosphere of the bar, the man heard her clearly. He placed his bourbon glass down and carefully examined her appearance, taking in every detail from head to toe. His initial surprise quickly faded, replaced by a mischievous grin. "Miss, do you realize that you are asking a complete stranger to sleep with you?" he retorted. Alice, a virgin, blushed and attempted to conceal her nerves. "Y-Yes, I'm aware," she stuttered. His crimson eyes sized her up. He believed he had encountered the craziest woman in the bar, and maybe he was fortunate that she was insane. "If you agree, I'm willing to compensate you. What's your price?" Alice attempted to bargain. "You'll regret this, Miss," he cautioned. "If you're not interested, just say so. I don't want to waste my time," she replied, rolling her eyes. The man remained silent for what felt like an eternity, and Alice's patience wore thin. She had better things to do than wait around for someone who couldn't make up their mind. Assuming she had been rejected, Alice let out an exasperated sigh and turned to leave. But before she could take another step, the man grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the bar. "Wait, where are you taking me?" Alice demanded, her heart racing. He didn't answer, simply leading her to a nearby hotel. Alice's mind raced with questions and concerns, but she didn't dare voice them aloud. "You're taking me to a hotel?" she asked, her voice trembling. "Why, do you want to do it in the bar?" he sneered, pulling out his wallet. "Strip down and moan like a dog for all to hear?" Alice felt her cheeks flush at the man's crude words. She wasn't accustomed to such lewd behavior but wasn't about to back down. "If you prefer my car, I'm game. Tight spaces can be quite thrilling," he suggested. "No, I'd rather book a hotel room. Faster!" Alice demanded. The man's voice rumbled low and gravelly. Alice blinked hard, feeling entranced by his husky tone. "What's funny?" Alice asked. "What's so funny?" Alice asked. He replied, "The last word you said, darlin'. It tickled me." "Booking a room?" Alice repeated, drawing out her words. He shook his head, a sly grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "Nope. Faster." Alice was puzzled. "What's wrong with that word?" The man leaned in close, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "It's too early for that, sweetheart." Alice blushed, feeling a little embarrassed at her own innocence. The man took charge and booked them a room, and they rode the elevator together, their hands still intertwined. "Can you release my hand?" Alice gasped for air. The man glanced down at their intertwined hands before returning his gaze to her face. "And why ought I to let go?" he inquired. " Let go of my hand. It's making me uneasy," she replied. "I can't fathom hearing such words from someone who requested me to f*ck her," he boasted with arrogance. His words made her face scrunch up in disgust. "Do you really need to use that kind of language?" she asked, annoyed. He raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes. "Should I use 'sex' instead of 'fuck'?" Before she could respond, the elevator doors opened with a loud clang. They walked down the hallway and entered a room at the end. The man held the door open for her and let her enter first. "Well, there ain't no turning back now. No turning back," Alice muttered to herself. As if the man could read her thoughts, he spoke up, "If you've changed your mind, you best speak up now 'cause once we're in, there's no way out." Alice turned to him and saw that he had locked the door behind them. She gasped and took a step back. "You're in it for the long haul now, Miss," the man whispered with a wicked grin. He slowly began to peel off his suit and shirt, revealing a body that was tanned and toned, with dark brown hair and piercing, fierce eyes. But it was his red eyes that caught Alice's attention, clear and bright like a wild animal's. As she stared at him in shock, her heart racing and her throat dry, she couldn't help but notice the tattoo that adorned his chest. "Is that there a tattoo?" she drawled, squinting her eyes to get a better look. "Sure is. Ain't it beautiful?" he replied, letting out an evil chuckle. "My face, my body, and my ink. You hit the jackpot, darlin'." Alice didn't mean to compliment the tattoo. She had heard that folks with unique chest tattoos were part of an extinct breed. "You ain't human, are you?" she suspected, taking a step back. "Well, now, do you know what I am?" he asked with a sly grin. "A... werewolf?" she ventured. The man raised an eyebrow and coolly confirmed, "First time I've heard that word from a human and felt good about it," his husky voice sent shivers down her spine. Alice started to realize the peril she'd put herself in. She gasped for air and stammered, "If you're a werewolf, then... oh!" Before she could finish, the man scooped her up with ease. Nestled in his arms, Alice felt her cheeks flush with shame. "Do you regret asking a werewolf to bed you?" he whispered alluringly. "Race ain't the issue!" Alice protested. "It's just that I heard werewolves are... pretty untamed." "Untamed? Ha!" The man chortled gruffly at her frankness. "We are indeed untamed, and that's why humans fear us. Are you afraid?" Truth be told, Alice was a tad frightened. But whenever she gazed upon his countenance, her awe overpowered her fear. "You don't look scary. You're handsome," she inadvertently blurted out. His eyes, red as a rattlesnake's, narrowed slightly. Alice's jaw dropped in awe at the sight of him up close. "Maybe you ain't heard all there is to know about werewolves," he muttered. His tongue darted out to lick his lips before he added, "We're strong and beautiful, sure. But we're also wild in other ways." Alice scowled. "Other ways like what?" "Sex," he said bluntly. Before she could even react, he tossed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her. The old wooden frame creaked and groaned beneath his weight as he pinned her down. His fingers gripped her chin, forcing her to meet his intense gaze. "Listen here, little lady," he growled. "Werewolves are known for being wild in bed, but I'm something special. Are you sure you're ready for this?" Alice's lips pressed together tightly, unsure of how to respond. She felt a shiver run down her spine as he spoke, his voice sending a thrill through her body. "I..." she stammered. "I..." She stopped, taking a moment to look down and reminisce about why she had come here in the first place. She was ready to die. She had nothing left to lose, no reason to hold back. Moreover, she wanted to use this opportunity to take revenge against her family and her fiancé. And so... "I'm sure," she said firmly, her voice steady. "I'll never go back. "Really? 100% sure?" he asked. "Would you kindly quit yappin' and get on with it? I swear I'll pay you." The man's eyes glinted with mischief at her offer. "Well, now that you confirmed it, reckon it's time to get down to business." He grasped her thighs and drawled, "Open your legs for me, Master."
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