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Divorce Daddy

Seemingly having noticed her anxiety. Zayden looked at Alice, and asked, “Did you graduate from Delight High School?” “No… Not really. I am a dropout.” Alice composed herself and replied. Alice claimed that she had graduated from Delight High School in her resume so that she could make it to the interview stage. She needed this job very much, so she used this method to come for the interview. The other interviewer was surprised. “You mean that your resume is fake?” He quickly apologized to Zayden, “Mr. Collins, I am sorry, our background checks…” Zayden gestured for him to keep quiet. He then looked at Alice and asked sternly, “So, you are trying to get a job solely based on your experience working in Hotel Milan in France?” “Have you seen the job requirements?” He tossed her resume and saw through her lies. She then heard Zayden say, “Don’t try your schemes here. No company would want a liar like you!” Alice was about to leave, but after hearing his words, she stopped. She was pissed. “I have never seen someone as arrogant and cocky as him.” She thought in her heart. Alice turned around walked toward Zayden and slammed her resume in front of him on the table. The commotion caused all the interviewers to look at her in surprise. “She is the first one who dared to behave like this in front of Mr. Collins. Is she looking for death?” Other thoughts in their hearts. Zayden looked at her and asked, “What do you want?” “Since you think that only a degree can prove a person’s abilities, then why not make a bet with me?” Alice smiled and challenged, “What do think?” Trevor Davis was bored by the interviews and when he saw Alice's actions, his eyes immediately lit up. He couldn’t help but thought in her heart, “Wow, this is the first time that someone dared to bet with Zayden, with such a challenging attitude. Looks like, it’s going to be fun.” “Girl, what did you intend to bet?” Trevor asked curiously. Zayden heard this and looked at Trevor coldly. Alice took a deep breath, looked directly at Zayden, and said, “I will work at a hotel under the Dream High Group for three months and I guarantee a monthly profit of at least thirty to thirty-five percent. If I achieve this, then I want to be confirmed for the position. Moreover, my salary has to be tripled and I want…” She paused and then emphasized the words, “An Apology!” Hearing that, everyone in the room gasped and looked at her shockingly. They all wondered. She only worked at Hotel Milan for a year and she only created a profit margin of about 10%. What makes her dare to guarantee a profit margin of more than thirty percent? Zayden pushed a resume aside, leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms, and asked, “What if you fail to do it?” Alice smiled brightly, “Then I will work for three years at Dream High Group and I will do anything you say. Do you dare to accept this bet?” “Accept it! Accept it!” Trevor instigated, “Zayden, don’t chicken out!” Zayden looked at him coldly and Trevor pursed his lips. “Go back and wait for further instructions,” Zayden said and left. However, when he walked passed by her, he paused. His hands subconsciously touched the earrings in his pocket and his eyes fell on the woman standing next to him. He noticed her delicate features and her alluring fragrance which started to arouse him. He seemed to be intrigued by this woman. “I accept this bet!” He said and then walked away briskly. Trevor ran after Zayden but before that, he looked at Alice, winked at her, and said, “Girl, you are something! I hope that you win this bet!” Hearing this, mixed feelings emerged from the bottom of Alice’s heart. She was angry, nervous, anxious, and confused at the same time. But, at least she got this job. To her being employed in this way was much better than being rejected. **** When Alice went home, it was already lunchtime. However, she still prepared something for lunch for her daughter. In case she got late, she didn’t want her daughter to be hungry. “Mommy, you are finally back!” As soon as Alice entered the house, Eliana run over, hugged Alice, and said, “I have memorized all the stories and waiting for you for lunch. Let’s eat together.” “How sweet of you my baby! Let me cook something more after we eat.” Alice kissed her daughter's cheek and said. After that, she went to the kitchen to cook something. She only cooked some sandwiches for Eliana in the morning and it was not enough for two of them. After Alice finished cooking they have a hearty meal. Alice looked at her daughter who was eating happily and thought about when the doctor told her that she had a baby girl after she regained consciousness. At that time she was both shocked and happy. Her daughter was very cute and she didn’t want to give her daughter to that man. Thus, Alice quickly stuck out of the country and broke her ties with the Brown family to protect her daughter. It was very tough for Alice to raise a child alone while she was living abroad. But all her hardship was worth it when she saw her daughter smile. Eliana was a very intelligent and smart girl. She could converse very well. When Eliana was just three years old, she could even brush her teeth. Soon after she was able to do some housework and take care of herself when she was alone at home. When they finished their lunch, Eliana suddenly said, “Mommy, let’s divorce Daddy!”
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