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Alpha's Maid novel

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에:: Webfic RománticaNoelia Jiménez había estado con Antonio Cordero durante diez miserables años, creyendo haber satisfecho todas las necesidades y caprichos de él. Pero cuando su madre sufrió un grave accidente de tráfico y cayó en un estado crítico de salud, él la dejo botada en el hospital, para ir a la estación de policía a socorrer y pagar la fianza de la miserable que había causado que su madre estuviese en el hospital. Tiempo después su madre falleció, y a él esto no le importo, en cambio, él se fue de viaje al extranjero con la mujer que le gustaba. Noelia lo confrontó una y otra vez mientras sostenía la urna con las cenizas de su madre, y él respondió: —Si no puedes soportarlo, lárgate entonces de mi vida. Entonces, Noelia se resignó. Antonio la siguió e intentó reclamarle por su relación con dos certificados de matrimonio en las manos, pronuncio, —Noelita, estamos casados y esto no lo puedes evitar tan fácil. Al ver los documentos que aparecieron de repente, Noelia, con el brazo del hombre que la acompañaba, casi se dobló de la risa. —Tío. Sin mirarlo ni por un solo instante, ella lanzó el certificado del matrimonio en la cara de Antonio y lo avergonzó con una risa, —No tienes vergüenza alguna, canalla. En esos tiempos, un amor que llegó de la nada y tan tarde no tenía valor alguno. … Todo el mundo sabía muy bien que Noelia era muy reservada y discreta, mientras que Antonio era un indomable rebelde sin causa. Dos personas completamente diferentes que, debido a una farsa, habían tenido que compartir una década de ida juntos. Ella pensó que su compromiso desde jóvenes, debido al tiempo que llevaban juntos, se convertiría naturalmente en amor y profunda pasión propia de una pareja que se quiere mucho. Pero solo cuando vio a Antonio sonrojarse por otra persona, se dio cuenta demasiado tarde de que Antonio no era como un mar silencioso, simplemente no era capaz de agitar olas o cualquier tipo de problema que se le presentara en el camino por ella. Su encuentro fue un grave error desde el principio. Así que, como las mareas que retroceden constantemente, no había necesidad alguna de recordarme.
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Slave Of The North
에:: Webfic Marilyn had no idea that being sold as a Slave girl from the North would change the direction of her whole life totally. Marilyn was just a young teenager growing up in the secluded Island in the Northern Kingdom. Her mother had died when she was six years old and she had spent the most of her life growing up with her very evil stepmother who hated her and usually treated her like a servant. Her father was the only one who loved her but most times, her stepmother and older stepsister, Kate ( her stepmother bore her in her first marriage) would tell various lies against her on how disobedient and stubborn Marilyn was. This was to make her father scold her and the woman successfully made Marilyn's father turn against her too. Marilyn didn't care about the ill treatment she always got from home so she wouldn't mind and still continued being the good girl that she was. Washing the dishes and clothes, kneading the dough and doing all sorts of demanding chores that were expected of her even though they were too much for only her to handle. Unknown to Marilyn, her stepmother was planning to sell her off on a particular evening when she was asked to get medicine from the market for her sick father who was almost on the verge of death. She had to run fast to the market to meet the local doctor who was waiting for her according to what her step mother had told her but she was not going to meet any local doctor to get medicine for her frail father, her stepmother was actually planning to sell her off. The woman had already told the slave trader that a young girl was going to come and meet him that day. Poor Marilyn had no idea that her stepmother was selling her into slavery. The moment she got there, she met a very huge man with muscles, he had a rough face and a scar on his face, she felt that he didn't look like a doctor but he had pretended and had told her he was the one. She tries to run away knowing he was no doctor but he was visibly stronger than she and before she knew it, she was knocked unconscious. *********** When Marilyn was firstly sold, the slave dealer who took her away from her original hometown, the Northern Kingdom sold her with other girls to the Southern Ardenian Kingdom. The girls had always heard of this kingdom and have never had the opportunity to go there. Getting to see the most revered and respected kingdom in their lifetime felt like a blessing and a curse at the same time because most of them in their wildest dreams would have never had the thought of crossing the border of their tiny Island from the North to the Magnificent and Awe inducing Kingdom of Ardenia from the South, except that they were in the land now as a bound soul. Sold as a common slave who is at the bottomless part of the chain in the society. Even a servant of the household had an enviable life compared to what they were now subjected to. They were given a slave sign to mark them so that whenever they escaped, it would be easy to find them. Marilyn had hers on the back of her neck and it had taken the effort of three men before they could successfully put it on her. She had to always let her blonde hair down and also tie a piece of scarf on her neck to cover the sign on it that read ' Slave of the North' in their local Northern dialect.
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