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CHAPTER ONE - New Beginnings

The morning sun peeked through the blinds of Ella Sivana's modest apartment, casting warm stripes across her bed. She groaned and rolled over, fumbling for her phone to silence the insistent alarm. Another day at The Cozy Corner awaited. As she shuffled into her tiny kitchen, Ella yawned and started the coffee maker. The familiar gurgle and aroma slowly brought her to life. She leaned against the counter, cradling her mug, and gazed out the window at the sleepy streets of Willow Creek. "Another day in paradise," she muttered, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Twenty minutes later, Ella was tying her apron behind her back as she pushed through the diner's door. The bell jingled cheerfully, announcing her arrival. "Morning, Ella!" called out Marge, the cook, from behind the counter. "You're just in time. The breakfast rush is about to hit." Ella smiled and grabbed her notepad. "Ready and waiting. How was your night, Marge?" "Same old, same old. Though I did hear some interesting gossip from Mrs. Henderson when she came in for her evening pie." Ella raised an eyebrow as she filled the coffee pot. "Oh? Do tell." Marge leaned in conspiratorially. "Apparently, someone's bought the old Fairfax mansion up on the hill. And not just anyone – a billionaire from New York!" Ella snorted. "A billionaire? In Willow Creek? I'll believe it when I see it." "I'm telling you, it's true! Mrs. Henderson's nephew works for the real estate company that handled the sale. Said the guy paid cash, no questions asked." Before Ella could respond, the bell chimed again, and their first customer of the day walked in. Ella plastered on her best smile and turned to greet them. "Welcome to The Cozy Corner! What can I get for you today?" As the morning progressed, Ella found herself pondering the rumor. A billionaire in their little town seemed absurd, but she couldn't deny a tiny spark of excitement at the thought. Maybe something interesting would finally happen in Willow Creek. The lunch rush was in full swing when Ella noticed a sleek black car pull up outside. It stuck out like a sore thumb among the aging pickup trucks and sensible sedans that usually lined the street. A man stepped out, and Ella felt her breath catch. He was tall, impeccably dressed in a suit that probably cost more than her yearly salary. His dark hair was perfectly styled, and even from a distance, she could see his chiseled jawline. As he entered the diner, conversations hushed, and all eyes turned to the newcomer. Ella straightened her apron and approached his table. "Welcome to The Cozy Corner," she said, proud of how steady her voice sounded. "What can I get for you today?" The man looked up, his steel-gray eyes meeting hers. For a moment, Ella felt like the world had tilted on its axis. "What would you recommend?" he asked, his voice smooth and cultured. Ella blinked, thrown off by the simple question. "Uh, well, our burgers are pretty famous around here. Can't go wrong with a classic cheeseburger and fries." He smiled, and Ella felt her heart skip a beat. "Sounds perfect. I'll have that, please. And a coffee." "Coming right up," Ella said, jotting down the order. As she turned to leave, he spoke again. "I'm Lucas, by the way. Lucas Montgomery." Ella paused, looking back at him. "Ella Sivana. Nice to meet you, Lucas." As she walked away, Ella could feel the weight of curious stares from the other patrons. She handed the order to Marge, who was practically vibrating with excitement. "Is that him?" Marge whispered urgently. "The billionaire?" Ella shrugged. "I don't know. He said his name is Lucas Montgomery." Marge's eyes widened. "That's him! I heard Mrs. Henderson mention that name. Oh my, a real billionaire in our diner!" Ella rolled her eyes. "He's just a person, Marge. Calm down." But as she moved around the diner, refilling coffee cups and taking orders, Ella couldn't help but steal glances at Lucas. He seemed completely at ease, despite being the center of attention. When she brought his food, he thanked her with another dazzling smile. "So, Ella," he said as she was about to leave, "how long have you lived in Willow Creek?" She paused, surprised by his interest. "All my life. Born and raised here." "And do you like it?" The question caught her off guard. Did she like it? She'd never really thought about it before. "It's... home," she said finally. "It's quiet, safe. Everyone knows everyone." Lucas nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "That sounds nice. Very different from New York." "I bet," Ella said, her curiosity getting the better of her. "What brings you to our little town? If you don't mind me asking." Lucas took a sip of his coffee before answering. "I needed a change of pace. Somewhere to... reset, I suppose. Willow Creek seemed like the perfect place." Ella couldn't help but laugh. "Reset? In Willow Creek? I hate to break it to you, but the most exciting thing that happens here is when Old Man Jenkins forgets to wear pants to the grocery store." Lucas chuckled, a warm sound that made Ella's stomach flutter. "That sounds perfect, actually. I've had enough excitement to last a lifetime." Before Ella could respond, another customer called for her attention. She excused herself, leaving Lucas to his meal.
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