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CHAPTER 87 The Kaleidoscope of Eternal Devotion

An electric current of realization shimmered between Lily and Alexander as they walked away from the Cosmic Conservatory of Unsung Melodies, their joined essence resonating with thousands of years of tales of love found and love lost. It emerged as a cyclone of light combining both prism and fluorescence as each beam of light spun around in a circle of colors and feelings. Sensing this, the Twin Flames moved a little closer; their new state glowing with curiosity and eagerness. As they drew closer, they each sensed an instinctual pull that desired to isolate – this exciting part to be anew, as Lily and Alexander once again. They manifested inside the core of the anomalies, their counts young and energetic, befitting beings timeless and ancient. They are left in an indefinite hall with mirrors, where each mirror not only captures their likeness, but entwined destinies – infinite lifetimes of their love. “Alex,” Lily said softly, looking around in disbelief, “What is this place?”

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