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CHAPTER 88 The Crucible of Celestial Hearts

When the Twin Flames exited the Kaleidoscope of Eternal Devotion, the essence of their being resonated with the fresh knowledge of their eternal connection. The night sky lay out limned before them: so boundless, so full of unknown preternatural promise. But as soon as they started moving, they sensed that they were being pulled – a gravitational force that sent them on a journey though its end was not clear. As if being led by an invisible hand, they headed towards what seemed to be an immense structure beyond imagination. It looked like an enormous, glass-like ball with its skin constantly glowing in different patterns. They got near some distant structure that seemed like a sphere but it was actually a celestial forge known as The Crucible of Celestial Hearts. Again, they had this desire to split and feel this newly discovered bliss as Lily and Alexander. When their forms took discernible shape, they realized they were both on a crystalline stage that was located just outside th

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