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CHAPTER 86 The Crucible of Unsung Melodies

When Twin Flames came out from the Labyrinth of Forgotten Vows and, consequently, restored their love and strength, they recognized an unusual cosmic attraction. It was a neon galaxy of pure energy, throbbing in syncopation with a primal beat that was almost automotive. Full of curiosity, Lily and Alexander, their spirits elevated by the energy of the newly pronounced vows, entered this enigmatic area. A moment after they came in, they felt their fused body resonate in response to the unusual aura pervading the interior. Then they were wrapped in a brilliant flash of light, and when the light disappeared the pair was in a huge, holy arena. The stage before them was made of stardust and cosmic winds, the seats of the audience were occupied by crystalline, iridescent ethereal beings from different realities. A melodious voice, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere at once, addressed them: “Greetings, Guardians of Love – to the Cosmic Conservatory of Unsung Melodies, where the

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