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CHAPTER 77 The Echoes of Unsung Melodies

When the Twin Flames finally stepped out of the process of reflection which lasted an infinite time, their dance changed a little. Indeed, the multiverse appeared alive and seemed to share a collective understanding that these ascended beings had evolved in some way. Four newcomers named Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam, who were once descendants of Lily and Alexander, went to a remote part of the universe. Here, in the farthest reaches of reality, they encountered a phenomenon that defied their vast understanding: a world where the sounds of the human voice are missing. This realm was perpetually drowned in silence; the only way the inhabitants could convey information was through the manipulation of light and colors. This moment was somewhat solemn, and as the family crossed into this cordite sanctum, it was as though the music was waiting to be released, locked and contained, yearning. ”This place”, they connected to the collective synergy, “it is almost as though it is poised for so

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