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CHAPTER 78 Ththatestial tapestry of forgotten dreams

When the Twin Flames left the recently created world of sound, they were pulled towards an unusual warp in space-time. It was a world which lay just beyond the ethereal veil; a world which, at times, seemed to be real as a tangible object and, at others, was as elusive as a mirage. Determined, Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam – all still in their new avatars – entered this mysterious realm. As soon as the two entered, they were surrounded by a cloud of various shimmering fibers that buzzed with dormant power. As their consciousness expanded to encompass this new environment, they realized the true nature of this place: It was a home of shattered hopes, a galactic cloth where people of the multiverse had left their dreams and never came to claim them. “This is… . I can hardly believe it,” they both spoke in unison, the words thick with wonder. ”Every thread is a dream that did not come to fruition; every strand, a hope that was never to be. Gradually, with the advancement in this astral

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