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CHAPTER 76 The Crucible of Infinite Reflections

While living their eternal love and creating in different lifetimes and realities, the ascended Twin Flames found something strange. This was a world unlike any that the individuals had seen before – a crystal lattice structure that shone from an internal ethereal light source. As they approached, the family's unified consciousness recognized it for what it was: It is like a cosmic mirror which accumulated all the reflections of their existence in one place. Surely it was a nexus of meaning and of peril: a place where the soul could be shaped or destroyed. “This is a test,” they both answered in the affirmative, their voice melodious but with a clear undertone of excitement and a hint of nervousness. He explains to her that it is like a furnace through which the love and purpose that they hold for each other shall be subjected to unthought-of trials. Without any second thoughts, they proceeded ahead, deep into the mirror realm as far as they dared to go. So when they were s

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