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CHAPTER 73 The Kaleidoscope of Infinite Heartbeats

Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam approached the swirling vortex of interdimensional energy, and the sensation of flying through the cosmos flooded them once again. Nevertheless, this time was different. With this newly found bond to the very threads of the multiverse the journey seemed not so much as traveling across the stars but rather navigating through the veins of some great living being. They appeared in a world that was beyond rational comprehension. The scenes unfolding before them were in constant turmoil, filled with changes in color, form, and feeling. Hills fell and rose in rhythmical pulsations, rivers of pure force twisted in convolutions, and above stretched out the vast cosmic spiral of galaxies and nebulas. Squinting, Zara stared at the wonder of beauty which was now in front of her. “How to describe it, it’s… it is as if we are the observers of the multiverse as it is, untainted by human understanding.” Elian agreed; this place was unimaginable; a magnificent sight th

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