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CHAPTER 72 The Infinite Echoes of a Love Reborn

Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam exited the Cosmic Crucible and found they had been returned to the exact location of the nexus-point collective. The familiar environment was at once reassuring and disquieting, as if the events that had taken place altered the nature of existence. The family remained in a state of controversy for a moment, each trying to contemplate on how many reincarnations they are now destined to be. They may have died physical deaths, their twelve bodies, but their minds and souls were as vast as the universe – the combined knowledge and spiritual awakening of multiple lives. And it was Zara who first broke the silence, but the words, or rather the whisper, hardly came out of her mouth. “It is like the sound of the multiverse, filling my head with the memories of each life, each decision that we have made.” Elian nodded in silent agreement, he saw the world from an artist’s perspective , but at the same time he became aware of the fact that for a long time

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