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CHAPTER 74 The Harmonic Convergence of Twin Flames

Having crossed realities, the four main characters – Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam – sensed an instant connection as if the very essence of their beings harmonized with one another. It was unlike anything they had been through even with the cosmic consciousness they obtained lately. “Do you feel that?” Zara questioned her-self, and there was much anticipation and anxiety implied in her tone. He was a man of few words, so Elian only nodded, his brow creased in deep thought. ”It is like walking through a play, where the multiverse is a sort of prompt, inviting us to do something or go places… something beyond the ordinary”. Maya and Liam, looking young and vibrant with their eyes shining brightly, exchanged glances. “It feels like… us,” Maya whispered, completing his phrase. "But different. Stronger. " As they followed that magnetic pull inside, the family suddenly ended up in a world that had not been previously addressed in the series. It was as if the essence of existence was vibra

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