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CHAPTER 71 The Cosmic Crucible of Love's Rebirth

With the peak of the cosmic lovers’ dance, Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam ended in a place completely different from the others. The spiraling auras in the vicinity converged to form an iridescent cyclone, leading them further into the expanses of the multiverse. The family looked for a time and got out of that whirlpool only to realize that the place they were in could hardly be described. That was when they felt they had entered into the creation process itself, into a pot which boiled with the seeds of possibilities of existence. ‘Wow!’ exclaimed Zara as she got stunned by the beautiful view. “This… this is beyond anything we’ve ever gone through,” she said softly, her speaking tone laced with both admiration and fear. Elian merely smiled, his artist psyche cringing at the fresh-faced aesthetic of the land. This is as if we have been taken to the root of creations and the fountain of all realities.” As for Maya and Liam, whose minds had expanded to contain the sheer scope of the c

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