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CHAPTER 70 The Eternal Dance of Cosmic Lovers

While the family cosmic guardians – Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam – were to raise the expansive web of artistic colonies in the multiverse, they were pulled to the realm where space-time dynamics respond to the meter of eternal romance. It was a world where such division between mortals and the cosmos was lacking, and the very notes of the story of Lily and Alexander felt alive – vibrating and pulsating with an energy that could be felt. This was as if the family was tuned to this place, alive and pulsating as if it were calling out to the essence of life. Passing through the gossamer of a veil between the realms of existence the family moved into a world of pristine light energy. It was a world of ever-changing terrains; mountains and valleys again emerged from the sea and became one with the land; stars slowly rose into the sky and revolved in their heavenly orbits. Zara blinked, stared, and pondered what she was seeing as her cosmic senses identified the countless forces at work i

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