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CHAPTER 69 The Eternal Symphony of Cosmic Love

Zara, Elian, Maya, and Liam’s opportunity to touch the spirits of Lily and Alexander in some way brought them back with a fresh spirit and unity. Their paradigm of love transcended the surrealist and became the rope by which they navigated through the turbulence of the multiverse. Returning back to their universal unity, the family could feel the changes in the texture of their universe, as if the entire environment was responding to their frequency. The artists and the visionaries who had congregated in this, the crossroads’ central shrine, could sense it too; their passions and inspirations amplified and suffused with the divine. Zara looked around vividly, her cosmic senses focusing on the flow of inspiration that filled the area. “Can you feel it?” she whispered to Elian, praying that she would not attract unwanted attention. “The way our love has blossomed to be the rhythm of life for this entire clan?” Elian also bowed, noting the crowds of nonhumans who had come here, menta

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