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CHAPTER SIXTY The Resonance of Infinite Hearts

When Lily and Alexander took up the mantle of multiverse caretakers, they were instantly attracted to one strange event that occurred throughout the realities. In countless realms, on innumerable PLANETS, creatures of all kinds were aware of something that they could not fathom – a need, a hunger. “Can you sense it, Alexander?” Lily’s energy resonated with worry. These words are like every heart that exists is crying out. Alexander’s form nodded in agreement. “Yes, and yet I am convinced it has something to do with us. ”It took them to this place where the line between global and real was washed away like sand. Here, they came across a spectacle that even their vast breaths took away. Thoughts and feelings from every universe they had built were swirling around like rivers and causing a gigantic and throbbing brain-like structure and they saw that their act of creation was not only the creation of Universes but had created an intersection of Universes. It had created a bond b

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