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CHAPTER 61 The Paradox of Eternal Love

Lily and Alexander went on their multiverse tour and met an event that even they, who knew so much about the cosmos, couldn’t explain. They soon found a realm of reality hidden in the cranny of creation that appeared to exist solely in the antithesis. Where cause and effect were subverted, time was cyclical, and the very notions of love and relationships as they were understood were perverted beyond recognition. Alexander, what is this place?” Lily’s aura was a blend of curiosity and apprehension. Alexander’s form was charged with active contemplation as he watched the vortex of existence explode around him. ’It appears to be a universe that exists in an altogether different plane from any other universe known to man: a cosmic oddity. ’ And as they proceed into this country of two truths, they found out that the people here are miserable. Lacking capability to develop interpersonal contacts as their world was constantly changing, these creatures were permanently lonely and lost. L

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