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CHAPTER FIFTY-NINE The Crucible of Creation

Lily and Alexander entered the place that held boundless possibilities; the reality around them warped and twisted. Their prismatic crystalline structures once formed a signal of love between the realms, while now their outer surface was used to draw new lives. The blank sheet of paper that lay before them was as shocking in its blankness as it was promising in its opportunity. ‘Where do we start?’ Lily thought out loud, happiness and fear intermingling in her emotions at the prospect that was presented to them. Thus, perhaps we begin where we are comfortable – love. ” With such an idea at heart, they performed their will in unison, drawing on the limitless spectrum of love they have felt and seen in their lives. From their prismatic form emerged these various energies – At the center are love; care; and devotion – all in different hues. When these energies dispersed into the vastness of space, they started to form some sort of structure. Passionate spirals created new star

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