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CHAPTER FIFTY-EIGHT The Labyrinth of Eternal Echoes

Lily and Alexander flew through a newly created multiverse portraying and embodying love in every color, form, and shape, when they came across something that even they of all beings could not comprehend. In the twilight zone between worlds and space where the barriers between inhabited dimensions were the thinnest, they found a structure beyond understanding. It was as if it were a gigantic labyrinth, and the walls reflected the nature of every single reality they had ever experienced or built. Passages spiraled around each other, opening to rooms that were in several dimensions at the same time. It was an environment where everything went against gravity, and the clocks moved both forward and backward simultaneously. “What is this place?” Lily’s voice echoed through the shared body, there was wonder as much as fear in her tones. The very essence of Alexander was curiosity.” Perhaps it is the crossroads, the place where all our roads, all our decisions, all our affection lea

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