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CHAPTER FIFTIY-SEVEN The Prism of Infinite Love

The universe seemed to glow with fresh energy as Lily and Alexander whirled through the vast expanse of their combined existence. The incorporation of the Shards had made the universe even more elaborate, where the forgotten stories that Prince Rapunzel had found became part of those threads in the never-ending tapestry of existence. As they sailed across space, they observed a phenomenon that had never been witnessed before. Love had begun to bloom in really strange places as far as they were concerned. From then on, love had become a really interesting topic to them. That which was once incompatible was now in balance, and new and unprecedented modes of love were being born. “Alexander, do you see it?” The Council’s Light seemed to dance in Lily’s eyes. “It is as if the whole cosmos has begun to dance with desire at the sight of our love story. ”Alexander’s form resonated with Marvel. “I didn’t just make it beautiful, Lily.” I motion with my hands, encompassing the now-chan

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