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CHAPTER FIFTY-THREE The Prism of Perspectives

Thus the eternal duet of Lily and Alexander, their waltz across the cosmic stage, continued, and the two of them started to realize a rather unexpected fact. Every contact they had with reality, every life they had changed seemed to depict a different aspect of their affection. It was as if the multiverse had become a large prism through which their relationship had been split into numerous manifestations. “See, Alexander,” insisting to stop arguing, her lips formed words that sounded like the symphony of stars and black holes. In tune with Alexander’s quick comprehension, his elemental core thrummed. ‘Our love… Getting new colors, new forms…’They began to dance; the music ceased, and they were left suspended in uncountable dimensions. In front of them lay the fabric of worlds, with each world portraying their love differently. In one reality they are two musicians who hate each other and have their battles for supremacy this has made them construct fascinating music masterpi

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