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CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO The Echo of Mortality

Lily and Alexander who were floating in the interstellar space as soulless ghosts locked in an eternal kiss suddenly felt a jerk. It felt like the desire they had not felt for ages – the desire for something physical, something. “Did you feel that?” Lily questioned, her voice soaring through the various dimensions. Alexander nodded, his eyes were glittering while looking at the stars and one could sense his deep concentration. And that it is coming from there... .from us Or better still, where it started. Out of curiosity, they decided to follow wherever this mysterious force was taking them. To have been floating in other realities, crossing the threshold that separates one universe from another, and then stepping out at the right moment to see the Earth below them. Their former abode, the place where they first fell in love, is now so far in terms of time and reality. “It’s been so long,” Lily murmured, her ethereal body filled with longing. When viewing the process, they obs

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