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CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR The Paradox of Unity

Lily and Alexander, cutting across the cobblestones of the universe as two coordinated souls in an endless waltz, began to observe a change in the very constitution of the universe. Thus, the previously clear differences between dimensions began to dissolve. New patterns that used to be different have become entangled and convectional vortices of opportunities. “Alexander,” Lily said, and her voice was the song of celestial spheres, “something is shifting. A renewed sense of purpose filled Alexander: concern. “Me too, sir,” I nodded, “It is like. . . . as if the multiverse is struggling to come together. ” They stopped kicking and shaking, standing at the crossroads of an infinite number of possibilities. I could see the streams of possibility all around them merging to form new possibilities that were not there before. It was still a world in which magic and technology intertwined, but it was quickly transitioning to a landscape of pure energy. One of the universally contra

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