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CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Temporal Sacrifice

Its permanent structure of stark white walls made the Temporal Preservation Agency’s holding cell look like something out of a science fiction setting. At one point, Lily began to pace the small area, mentally considering the many ways through which she might be able to escape. And so there was Alex, who sat on the only bench in the garden, looking seriously concerned as opposed to his usually self-assured self. Both Emily and Jonathan could only crouch down and start whispering to each other as they desperately tried to manage whatever situation they found themselves in. “Maybe it’s time we figured out how to get out of here.” Lily whispered, confidently. Each time we are delayed, it is very possible that the clock is ticking and more moments are being lost. Alexander got up, with a nod. ”On that, I couldn’t agree, but these walls look very thick. I have not seen technology like that ever.” This shimmer was much like what they had seen before whenever someone or something terrif

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