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CHAPTER FOURTEEN Echoes of Eternity

Looking at the older version of herself standing in front of her, Lily couldn’t help but wonder about everything. In her peripheral vision, the shadows seemed to ripple with temporal energy, as if straining at the fabric of the walls around them in the attic above. For a moment, there was silence before Lily asked shyly, "I don’t know what you are talking about.”  Filled with shock: “How can you be here? How can I be here?”   The smile on the face of the older Lily, which was painted on the glass door of the café, looked a bit sad. ‘Time,’ my dear, is not what people were pretending for all these years—a straight line.’ It is, in fact, more like a tapestry where threads twist and turn in ways we can hardly imagine. She pointed at the elaborate mirror, which triggered their adventure in the first place. “This is not just a mirror, no. It is a vorlexis in itself: the center of all the timelines.”  Lily moved closer to the mirror, almost dancing, her image on the surface moving in

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