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CHAPTER TWELVE Temporal Convergence

When Lily and Alexander entered the newly decorated living room of the house belonging to her grandmother, the atmosphere was charged. Emily and Jonathan ran out to meet them, both happy to see the newcomers and with worried expressions. “I’m so glad that you’re both fine,” Emily hugged her brother. “We were overwhelmed when Professor Williams split us into different groups.” Jonathan was already turning back to the holographic displays. ”Time is precious. The disturbances are occurring at an increasing rate now. Reality is beginning to fracture.”  Lily could not turn her gaze away from the rich epicenter of the room—the once gaudily framed mirror now emanating a mystical light. “But how did you get here?” she asked, pointing at the equipment. “And what is all this?”  Emily raised the corners of her lips in a smile; there was triumph in her tone. “As it happens, this scamp Henry gave us more than just these riddles. There was a cubby in his workshop, and there were some, ahem, h

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