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CHAPTER 118 The Tapestry of Timeless Hearts

Lily and Alexander, rising into the stardust as their spirits remained imbued with the might of the Forge of Eternal Devotion, were attracted to a plot hole in between worlds. It was like a glistening veil that appeared to span across the space of several universes and it hummed with the energy that reflected their newly acquired powers. “Alex,” Lily’s voice rang in their mind, “do you see that? It’s like the multiverse is stitching something.” Their nature connected with Alexander’s, a warm affectionate touch. “Yes, my dear, I think our task of being the guardians of Universal Love is about to segue to the next level.” As they drew closer to the veil they saw it was more than a simple phenomenon but an enormous cosmic loom. Signs of adjacent timelines or dimensions were interwoven, like threads in a shared cloth, with these strands metaphorically representing actuality. And at the core of each string and line they could feel the heartbeat of love through the ages and in other ga

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