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CHAPTER 119 The Nexus of Fractured Affections

While Lily and Alexander continued to explore the vastness of space together, both of their beings astrologically conjoined, enmeshed in the infinite threads created by the countless other lovers who had sewn their own dreams into the eternal tapestry that was the Tapestry of Timeless Hearts, they both felt a rifting in the seams of space-time. It was the absence of harmony in the orchestra of shared affection, a crack in the veneer they had both been so careful to uphold. “Alex,” Lily’s mind voice was concerned, resonating in their mental link, and like a whisper that floated in the darkness, “don’t you feel it? It is a chorus of thousands of suffering souls.” Alexander’s true form cocooned her tightly. “I sense it too, dear. There is something off. Let us pursue the matter.” Thus, they descended, chasing a path of suffering because it leads to a junction of realities. When they arrived, there was bitterness in their hearts – the heartache, the betrayal, the feeling of being alon

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