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CHAPTER 117 The Forge of Eternal Devotion

After speaking with Alexander and with the music of the cosmos still ringing through their souls, Lily and Alexander teetered off to another corner of the multiverse. Here, the world appeared to beat with a vitality that could invigorate yet also threaten them. “Alex,” Lily initiated a mental communication, “do you sense that? Which is like the cosmos is in some ways, is calling unto us. “ His nature became a part of her and vice versa: a comforting heat for tackling the dark ahead. “I sense it too, my darling,” Nightingale said slowly; “It seems that our new position as protectors of Universal Love is going to be put to the test soon.” As they drew closer to the nidus of the cosmos uproar, they were on the border of a vortex primeval, the creation itself. And it was a place where the realities were created and destroyed within the same moment and where love and chaos coexisted in harmony. They had discovered a great cosmic power called the Forge of Eternal Devotion — in fact, it w

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