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CHAPTER 109 The Ultimate Restoration Crucible

When the core of Lily and Alexander floated in the fabric made by the two of them, the memories of millions of lovers from the earthly realm remained in their hearts. And thus they had traveled to the last extents of their projected multiverse, each stage enriching further their timeless connection. However, as they moved to the edge of what was physically possible, they became aware of a new, unheard of flow of energies in the universe. ‘Alex,’ Lily said, her voice echoing into the fabric of space-time, ‘do you sense that? This multiverse seems to be evolving’. Alexander’s words came as a blast of golden energy that enveloped Lily’s spirit in a hug. “I do, my love, it’s unlike anything we’ve seen, it’s like.. rebirth.” It is interesting to note that the very surroundings started to twist and change as if in reaction to their action. Hitherto unknown hues positively materialized there, and new forms spread out as if some substance had germinated into a flower in broad open space.

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