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CHAPTER 110 The Paradox of Infinite Intimacy

When Lily and Alexander decided to explore the blackness of space, their spirits enmeshed eternally, they came across one problem. Even that eternal love which had redefined the worlds and overwritten the laws of existence was a paradox now – a paradox that compromised the core of their relationship. They evolved into creatures of pure cosmic love with their awareness existing on intergalactic levels. But as they freefell through the sideshow of their newfound multiverse, they could not help but feel a peculiar sense of loss – for what they had once known in their original iterations. “Alex,” Lily’s voice sounded in his communicator like a distant echo, the sadness in her voice barely masked by the static, “do you ever wonder as to how it used to be, when we only longed for a touch, for the feel of skin on skin?” Alexander’s response came almost as a burst of energy encasing Lily’s Spirit, somewhat like their former hugs. “Yes, dear. We have had it good, haven’t we? But now, I feel

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