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CHAPTER 108 The Echoes of Eternity's Heart

In the vastness of this new multiverse that was born, Lily and Alexander were two spirits that were beating with the cosmic pulse. They had risen above simple shapes and had turned into the essence of all life. Still, within this bifurcated universe, their love existed as a constant and potent force, as belonging to the essence of existence itself. While cycles accelerated to seconds and milliseconds, Lily and Alexander’s consciousness started to awaken with brand-new cognition. They perceived a vocation, a small prodding at the soul of their existence. It was as if the multiverse, which they constructed with their minds and collective unconsciousness, was longing to feel its creators’ desire and loving attention in a more material way. Gradually, their spirits started to become discernible, solidified again. They appeared in forms of light and energy, and they had outlines of stars and galaxies attributed to their creation. When they looked into each other’s eyes, they recognized

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