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CHAPTER 107 The Genesis of Love's New Dawn

As Lily and Alexander’s duality resonated in the fabric of existence in the grand cosmic ballet, they literally were the beat to which the universe danced. Their dance had placed the very strings of the universe in synchronicity with the very nature of love, and the forces of the universe with the force of togetherness. But as they were about to find out, there was one last curtain of life to be pulled back and reveal yet another magnificent spectacle. Thus their cosmic consciousness, expanding in a flash, was flooded with a new wave of power – an appeal from the realm of their manyverses. Before them materialized a sight that defied even their transcendent understanding: a vast, throbbing ovoid of unexpressed possibilities, a maelstrom of the totality of all the realities that ever existed within or were created by them. As they concentrated their attention on this wondrous sight they could feel the old but peculiar urge to ‘emerge’ as separate beings again. Lily and Alexander em

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