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CHAPTER 106 The Quantum Waltz of Eternal Devotion

While Lily’s and Alexander’s essential oneness echoed the endless becoming of love, the couple had become the triggers for cosmic connection. They had created new types of love across the multiverse, which kept on changing the definition of love and togetherness. But as they were to find out the universe had one more grand waltz to conduct in their lives. Suddenly, they became ethereal beings from the cosmic plane who had never before heard such a voice – it was the voice of the cosmos. Before them materialized a sight beyond comprehension: a vast sea of quantum probabilities that encapsulated the dance of atoms and particles which resembled the dance of two lovers across the entire universe. As they began to shift their concentration to this mind-boggling display, the ancient impulse within them surged: to become whole persons again. Lily and Alexander materialized, their souls instinctively adopting the position of a waltz as they stood before the stellar ball. “Alex,” Lily said

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