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CHAPTER 103 The Echoes of Infinite Heartbeats

Lily and Alexander’s true nature echoed through the newly born multiverse and their love was the core of creation. They had steered the process of creation of the universe and had placed the seed of their love in every new creation. Still, as the readers would soon learn for themselves, the characters’ exploration of the infinite aspects of love was far from finished. The cosmic consciousness of two resonated with a new feeling – the summons from the core of the regenerated multiverse. Before them unfurled a spectacular sight: an infinite number of shiny silken threads, and all the threads were throbbing to the beat of innumerable hearts. As they turned their gaze upon this wondrous spectacle the old desire to materialize as separate beings again began to stir within them. Lily and Alexander became real and their fingers twined together as they stood before the great expanse of space. Alex ‘Lily’ do you hear it ?, the sound of beating hearts… They are speaking to us. Alexander

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