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CHAPTER 102 The Crucible of Cosmic Rebirth

Lily and Alexander’s merged core self resonated through the endless spectrum of possibilities; their love, omnipotent. It had helped innumerable echoes of themselves, through countless incarnations, raise love of any kind across the multiverse. Yet, they soon were to learn that this was not the greatest challenge to their endless love. Suddenly to their cosmic awareness a jolt of what felt like the very fabric of their being in danger rang in their heads. Before them the rainbow of realities was a mere shadow that started to shake and fade, its countless reflections ready to collapse. While concentrating on this phenomenon, they experienced the desire to assume their concrete forms again. In the next moment, the couple materialized, and Lily and Alexander’s hands locked together as they braced themselves for what was to come. ‘Alex’ Lily whispered with her eyes filled with concern, ‘something is wrong with the realities…they are destabilizing.’ Before Alexander could say anything

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