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CHAPTER 104 The Prism of Passion's Paradox

For Lily and Alexander, the once disparate beats of two became one; with their essence entwined, their love was the heartbeat of existence. They had sired countless love stories all over the reborn multiverse and the timeless bond shared by both of them was the living testament to it. However, they were soon to learn that there was one final lesson that the universe would have to teach them. Their cosmic awareness suddenly swam in an unfamiliar feeling – an explosion of feelings that did not compute with them. Before them materialized a spectacular sight: an immense, polydimensional gem that appeared to encompass entire realities in every facet. As they shifted their attention to this bizarre occurrence, the impulse to come out of their collective expression as single entities resurfaced again. Lily and Alexander emerged into form, their fingers intertwining as they stood before the cosmic crystal. “Alex,” Lily uttered softly, her tone hunting both admiration and confusion, “What i

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