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Mr President s Wild Obsession Novel

웹픽은 Mr President s Wild Obsession Novel  에 관련된 콘텐츠를 찾았습니다. 여기는 Mr President s Wild Obsession Novel에 관련된 책 및 콘텐츠 정보가 포함됩니다.Mr President s Wild Obsession Novel  

I Am Love, Mr. Billionaire!
에:: Webfic I am Loraine Windrug, the most eligible bachelorette on this continent, every man competes for exclusive rights to me. My bank account is loaded, I even own more cars than I can drive, my multimillion-dollar mansion has every convenience imaginable. Men long for me, either for their guaranteed business success after a date with me or as hunters because of my reputation as an elusive billionaire. Love is written all over me, everything I touch turns to gold, every party I go is a success, every commercial event I attend turns into a blockbuster. But I only date a handful of hotly singles with whom I share a secret friends-with-benefits relationship, satisfying my freaky side with wild, kinky sex. But I never trade my virginity. And then comes that inescapable moment when I fall hard on that one man who is far beyond my reach. Dordrich Fellogan; is a billionaire media mogul, but sadly enough, married. His wife Elena and his children adore him. Yet I pursue him, had him deep inside, but cannot keep him. His love is not mine. After one of my evil jealous ex-lovers hints his wife, she catches us red-handed in the act, started an embarrassing scene, I flee from his life. Five years later, when he is left a broken, bankrupt man, I return. I face him as a business partner. I own almost all the shares of his company. His wife abandoned him at the lowest point of his life, his future is now in my hands. I reinstate his media chain, drive him crazy with lust, but keep him out of my bed. When Elena wants him back, he’s to decide between Elena and me. But I am true love, desirable, unforgettable and more. The triumph card is with me…
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