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Tina grinned. "Well, I sat through an excruciatingly detailed explanation of the proper way to stuff a squirrel, followed by an impromptu yodeling performance that I'm pretty sure violated several noise ordinances. I made my escape when he went to the bathroom, leaving enough cash to cover my meal and a note that said 'I suddenly remembered I'm allergic to taxidermy. Thanks for the unique experience.'" As they finished their meal, Laura found herself feeling more relaxed and at home than she had all day. Despite the chaos and challenges of her first shift, Tina's friendliness and the camaraderie of sharing stories made her feel like she might just fit in at Fierro's after all. "Thanks for this," Laura said sincerely as they prepared to head home. "I was pretty overwhelmed today, but you really helped me through it." Tina smiled warmly. "That's what we do here, kid. We're like a dysfunctional family, but we look out for each other. Just wait, in a few weeks, you'll be the one showing

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