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As the afternoon wore on, Laura found herself growing more comfortable with the rhythms of the diner. She still made mistakes, but they were fewer and farther between. Tina's constant encouragement and the surprising patience of most customers helped boost her confidence. "You're a natural," Tina praised as Laura successfully navigated a complex order from a family of six without writing anything down. "Pretty soon, you'll be running this place." Laura blushed at the compliment. "I don't know about that. I still have a lot to learn." "That's the spirit," Tina winked. "Stay humble. It makes it more surprising when you eventually take over the world." As the dinner rush approached, Mr. Fierro gathered the staff for a quick meeting. "Alright, listen up. We've got a bus full of hungry tourists coming in at 6. They just spent the day at the cheese factory, so they'll be tired, cranky, and smelling like Gouda. I want everyone on their A-game. Jay, stick with Tina and try not to set anyth

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